Wires are configured in the tripwire_wires.php
See how to setup a specific wire
Changing the ruleset
When you change the ruleset it is good to manually run all tests again to test if their are no suddenly false positives or false negatives added.
Run the following command to test your config and changes to make sure all test and checkers remain working best is to have your application Test extensive to run a whole list of possible attack vectors to see if they are all blocked
- phpunit env set to use sqllite in memory
- use a real database
- set tripwire debugMode to true so you can see what input was triggered by what rule
./vendor/bin/phpunit ./vendor/yormy/tripwire-laravel/src/Tests --testdox --testsuite Main
./vendor/bin/phpunit ./vendor/yormy/tripwire-laravel/src/Tests --testdox --testsuite Extensive
You can see a list of all wires...