Customizing the punish rules
A punishment is when a block is added based on multiple rejections of a wire. Depending on the total sum of all violations by that user/ip there is a block added
Punish Score
You need to set the trigger score (ie 1000) So when the sum of all the violations is 1000 or more, then the block is added. Hence 4 violations of 250 will trigger the block or 2 of 250 and 5 less severe of 100 will also trigger the block
Specify the timeframe of which the score is calculated in minures Calculate all violations in the last day = 60 *24
Penalty time
Specify the block time in seconds note this will log increase on every violation that leads to a block the first block will be for 5 seconds, de second for 25, the 3rd block is about 2 min, the 5th block is almost an hour, 6th block is 10 days, 7th block is 54 days ...
->punish(1000, 60 * 24, 5)