I only have 24 hours a day, and besides a good night rest I need to eat and work to pay for my mortgage. The time left is free time to relax and play. A great part of this relax and play time I have spend behind my computer, coding, while I could have been doings something else and enjoying the sun. Yes, actually at the time of writing this line I am sitting in the shade near a pool, while the sun is beautiful and warm.
Anyway I developed this in my free time, I could have gone swimming, hiking, partying or whatever, but I decided to create this and make this available for you.
I worked for free for you and your company, and make your software more secure... and that is fine.
That having said, if you had to employ someone or use one of your developers to create a firewall like this you would have to pay them and it would take them some time to develop. So your investment would be considerable to get a system like Chaski running.
Ask yourself, could you or your development staff develop this level of tested code and features within 4 hours of their time. If not, please support me by donating 100 Euro (or more) for my time and effort. If you are an agency developing software for others, please consider supporting me for every product that includes Chaski. This will allow me to continue working on this project and support the people I learned from and make it even better for you. Lets keep the community alive.
If you are a sole developer, without employing people or making money with your code, just use this package as you see fit, and 'donate' with your feedback donate a coffee and getting the word out But if you have a paid product/service or if you are paying developers (freelance or a salary), please consider me paying only a fraction of the development costs.
As I said, I am not a company, just a sole developer wanting to make great things, so I could really use your financial support.
YES !!! I want to donate to help you maintain and continue your development